I was a dish dog at 15 too. My first job was washing dishes at Pizza Hut. I think I am less inclined to wash dishes as a result. I already put in my dues. When I was 20 I washed dishes again in college. It was maybe the best job ever. The dish pit had its own CD player and I was able to choose what we listened to. On the weekends there were two of us working back there and we'd take turns DJ'ing. We got free food and it was one of the best places in town. I remember I would eat a piece of Tiramasu every night. One time, an older waitress told me I was going to turn in to a Tiramasu pumpkin. -apparently I put on a few pounds. At the end of the night the wait staff gave us 5% of their tips. I would walk with about $40. I'd change in my car out of my soaking pants and shirt and head to the bar. I would come home from work and the dogs in our house would run up to me and start licking my shoes. -it's a dirty job but it's fun. It's also a very importabt job in the restaurant. If it's busy, a shitty dishwasher can really muck things up and a good one can make a rough night smoother. Good to see you Rico. Good luck in your pursuits!