Thanks for pointing this out, tng. I'd also like to say that credit card processing fees are part of the cost of doing business and if a business owner isn't making a net profit on his business because he didn't account for these fees, there are much larger issues going on than CC network fees. I feel similarly about my friend who is self-publishing her 3rd book of poetry. Each book has been funded by Kickstarter. I do not support her Kickstarter - if you are publishing and selling a book I think you should be able to front the cost of publishing and make the money back in the traditional way, not the "get everyone else to pay my expenses for me" way - especially as it is her third instance of doing this. Do it once, sure, that's cool and arty. 3 times? Now you are clearly relying on your friends' bankroll to make your dreams come true, because apparently you can't achieve them any other way. (I also know a small business owner who did a Kickstarter to help with his business operating costs. I was very negative about this as well. Businesses are not charities. If you cannot either front the money, or get a loan, so that you have the capital to run your business - then maybe what the world is telling you is "don't run a business," not "expect that the community will fund your business for free (and with zero accountability for that money) so that they can later fund your business by using it." )