It took me embarrassingly long to get the hang of combining Python 3 and the API, but once I understood what I was doing I made this small script. I put it up on Github. Any criticism is welcome, I'm not a Python expert. The script that gives you a sorted list of everyone who voted on a post or comment. For example, for rob's post it returns this in the command line: Title: Hubski prototypical API is here List of votes, sorted from first voter to last: 1: thenewgreen 2: War 3: mk 4: caelum19 5: camarillobrillo 6: forwardslash 7: nowaypablo 8: thundara 9: StJohn 10: OftenBen 11: demure 12: am_Unition 13: ihya1324 14: veen 15: whanhee 16: tauta_krypta 17: NoTroop 18: lelibertaire 19: Cumol 20: querx 21: KittehCult 22: aeromill 23: GodOfAtheism Press Enter to exit... It ain't perfect but I think it's cool that I conjured this up in a few hours. insomniasexx or rob, how can I get a simple .py like this up on the web as something that runs on a server? As in, an online version of the command line that runs my file. I tried some of the services from this free Github student pack but I am such a webdev noob that I don't have a clue what does what. I've heard of Docker, is that what I'm looking for? Pub ID: 266825
Sort of... it's power is as version controlled packaging / deployment. The config files let you say "install all of these dependencies, run services for a reverse proxy / search engine / database, hook them together like so, run X copies across a farm of machines, and expose these ports / directories within their file systems." What sets it apart from other similar programs (Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Vagrant) is that instead of running those programs in virtual machines or the hose machine, they are run within containers. This means less overhead than a VM, but also somewhat different security concerns
That's much more user friendly than what I conjured up. I, too, am a total webdev noob. I'm currently moving my site to a virtual private server, so I can do some webdev on there too. The goal is to build a simple web app, learning Django along the way. I've got a page that displays text, now all I need to do is put all the useful stuff in there...
It's the reason I also list whether it is an upvote or down vote in the newest version of the code. At first I only displayed upvotes, but that meant that a post could display more upvotes than its counter. Instead of adding a check for up-down combinations, I just added '...voted up'.
Here's a non-command line fork of your project; I hope you find it helpful:
Docker is completely unrelated. You can write a basic Python web server. Example, Docs. Alternatively, if you want a static web page, you can rewrite your script in Javascript. Then, you can serve the html+javascript from any dumb web server, e.g. Github Pages. Tutorial. If you want to go the Javascript route, let me know, and I'll add CORS headers to the API server, which you need to make an XSS request.