0. Yes, but I work in a field with really stange gender and racial dynamics (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).
1. Yes, as teaching is usually considered a more female-oriented profession, and communication/social skills also seem to be thought of as coming more naturally to women. Also, I like to observe how gender influences student participation and skill-building.
2. No, I avoid leaderhip responsibilities.
3. No. I look at who's the best-suited individual, regardless of gender.
4. Yes. I frequently think about cultural differences, multiple intelligences and (potentially undiagnosed) developmental issues.
5. Not exactly, no. I think a lot about being a polite guest in my host country, and how to be a person of integrity and how to a good role model for children. But I don't tend to think about personal skills vis-a-vis those kinds of roles/relationships.
edit: I'm actually between jobs now. I've been going through the hiring process for a new position. The two female admins I've been in contact with have been great about follow-up and communication in general. The male admin is so bad about responding to emails that I've stopped even CCing him.