Thank you for reminding a fat 40 year old of something he should remember more often.You are never too old or too young to do something big or change the direction you are headed.
Live it up, Steve. Learn to solder or something. LOL! The cool thing about kids is you now have an excuse to do semi-ridiculous things and say it is "for them." I remember when I was 6, "Santa" got us these little toy robot things. They were basically pick and place machines with a joystick and made of plastic with fun colors. They gave you some blocks and a ball and stuff to "build" Two days later my father had two more of the robot things sitting on his workbench. My brother and I were confused (how did Santa get my Dad the toy?!) but it wore off when we got to take the actual toy apart (without breaking it!) to see how it works. This was all for "our benefit" of course. My dad didn't merely want to take some kids toy apart for fun and out of curiousity. I'm sure my mother saw right through that excuse. Oh man. I found the toy. I think ours was the 90s version of this. It's nearly identical but the colors and graphics were just slightly different, in my memory. I remember the first thing you had to do was put the stickers on! It was terrible. Stickers suck and you can never get them on perfectly straight, or without bubble, especially when there is a fat joystick in the middle! My other absolute favorite toy as a kid (which I still have) was this wooden marble maze. My brother played with this beast for days and days on end. Probably from the time we were 3 or 4 all the way through 9 or 10 year old. We would put out hotwheels set through the middle of it. When people wonder why I'm all engineer-y even though I'm naturally creative, this is why. Sorry. I got off track. Learn to solder or something Steve!