Ratified 0000 UTC 20150818
3.1 A win condition shall exist.
3.1.1 This win condition shall be defined in a future ruleset.
3.2 Upon (at least) one player achieving said win condition, this player(s) will be awarded one point.
3.2.1 Following any player receiving a point, the rules will revert to Ruleset Proposition 3: PHILOSOPHICAL-SURFACE
3.2.2 An up-to-date scoreboard of players with at least one point shall be maintained in the top level post.
demure here. I've come to the conclusion that at the pace you guys want to play the game (24 hour ratification), I no longer can be the authority of hubnomic.let it be known, henceforth, that hubnomic is no longer in control of #hubnomic, and changes can be made to the game as players see fit. Ruleset 0 is no longer immutable.
unfortunately I signed up hubnomic under a personal email, and as of right now email addresses cannot be changed. You'll have to register another account.
this was fun while it lasted, peace :)
mk can you assist demure in transferring account to different email address or removing the email address so he may transfer the Hubski account as he sees fit? edit: JK! demure - You can change your email address. Go to your settings ( or and look at the very bottom until you see a "CHANGE EMAIL" button.
You did a great job, and started an awesome thing here! I don't think this iteration need end here at all, I think not having a centralized system makes it even more nomic. I think our next plan of action is to define this win condition. Although I also think: Ruleset 4: Optical-Demonstrator 4.1 A win condition can only be achieved if this condition is immutable.
This allows an extra round for players, since we have to pass the condition, then make it immutable. It also means that we cant just pass a "You win if your name is LuckySteves." type of game, because it will be immediately repealed even if it becomes mutable.
I'm thinking the only way a game like this would work on Hubski, given the UI limitations, is in a turn-based fashion. Like, someone posts something. Someone replies to that comment with a modification. Someone replies to THAT comment with a further modification. Kind of like turn-based or incremental storytelling. Or I might be wrong.