It's always frustrating to go out for a walk, miles away from other humans, amid quiet trees and beside tranquil waters, and to have a plane circling the sky miles overhead trailing a banner advertisement that no matter which way you turn or walk, you can't escape it. Also, the local online menu place that stuck vertical signs into the grass of every street in my neighborhood, including in people's yards, I am the person who uprooted all of the signs and marked them for trash. You're welcome. Flyers on telephone poles? Okay. Rolled up flyers rubberbanded to gates and doors? Annoying, but ok. Putting advertising signs for your business--to be seen by traffic on the street--in people's yards without asking their permission. You go too far. I'm worried I'm turning into the elderly person yelling at kids to get off his sidewalk.
I had never seen a plane advertisement until I moved out west and now I see them semi-regularly. I would love to see some data to show how much that kind of advertising does / does not work compared to the cost of it.