It's just words, though. I'm annoyed by having to see inane pun circle-jerk threads, comments by militant feminists or their subservient henchmen, the White Knights, and so on.. But somehow I survive seeing them anyway, without demanding that they all be banned. If seeing comments you find upsetting is a big enough problem, the easy solution is to stop using Reddit and find a better forum, or just do something else with that time. For the most part, commenting on the Internet is a waste of time anyway. Yes, myself included.
i'm doin' it. i'm takin' the bait. it's not just words when they incite violence (see Charleston). violent racism is not the same as a tired pun thread.
I completely agree. Don't like it? Talk to them like a civil human or ignore it. You can't augment everything in the world to your liking just because your brain might not like an idea (no matter how good you feel your idea is).