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comment by Shubhang
Shubhang  ·  3214 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Where Did You Wake Up Today?

I woke up at a messy dorm on the 5th floor, at 6:30 am CDT, one of the very few mornings that I woke up early- without the sound of my alarm. My room mate snores away while I open hubski and quora. Messy shoes, socks and bedsheets surround me. After reading for a while, I get ready, have breakfast get to the computer lab and open hubski (again). I feel positive today, have ideas I would like to share and discuss with the world. Excitement keeps me awake, this drowsy sunday!

lil  ·  3214 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You are a poet. So pleasant to read this!