I (almost 30) am thinking of doing my first spoken word performance ever in a local spot, here's what I wrote for it:
Thoughts connect and ideas flow
Words fly off the page as I take the stage
In another performance only my head knows
Beating in my chest as I mouth every word
‘Cause my tongue is a knot too tight to unravel
My throat a pathway closed off to departures
So these words fall into themselves and bury within me
And the wind gust of melodies slips out as a whisper
Is there another mouth to live up to these lines
A body that bends and moves with each rhyme
A voice that captures the essence of love
A face that twists like a tortured soul
I want to hand it over to you and make you my mouthpiece
I want to be anonymous but give you all of me
The innermost parts shared without a trace
The background sound that fills this whole place
So let me fade and let them speak
These thoughts that make and break me
May they flow out with stutters and shakes
May they be stars in the making