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comment by wasoxygen

Kahneman's letter called for better reproducability of priming effects (observed when you ask one person if Mount Everest is taller or shorter than 50,000 feet, then ask them how tall Mount Everest is, then ask another person if Mount Everest is taller or shorter than 5,000 feet, then ask them how tall Mount Everest is, and the second person tends to give lower estimates).

The request was enthusiastically answered by the Many Labs Replication Project, an international group of labs which revisited 13 classic experimental results. Ten effects were reproduced, with some of the anchoring effects (like the one about Mount Everest) demonstrated with stronger results than in the earlier studies.

John Ioannidis, mentioned in the Economist article, has done heroic work exposing bad science in medicine. We recently had a discussion about a simple and effective technique that may be ignored because of the way medical research works.

(P.S. Your link to the Economist article is broken because of the period at the end.)