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comment by hyperflare
hyperflare  ·  3274 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski feedback/ feature request - follow others' block lists

Hmm, since I usually have problems finding people to debate with it helps to start one of you take the stance everyone else doesn't. It's just a way to test your own beliefs by attacking them yourself. Not as good as a really convinced opponent by a long shot - but almost as good. It's a basic tool in writing philosophy papers, as well. You always look for arguments against your position and then think about how to defeat those, and so on.

It's also how debate clubs work - you don't get to choose your stance, you're assigned.

pushka  ·  3274 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Was the person crying in a debate club debate?

Do the people you debate know that debating is your hobby?

Some people don't like debating and argument, and just want to honestly discuss and debate what the opponent actually believes..

hyperflare  ·  3274 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Nah, it was one of my flatmates. It totally was a miscommunication on my part and it wasn't pretty, but we smoothed things over pretty quick. And yeah, I know most people don't care for that kinda stuff. But that means we just end up agreeing with each other and then staring into our beer :P

pushka  ·  3274 days ago  ·  link  ·  
