I finally built a farm in Ark. I'm really not OK with that being the big accomplishment of the week but my work projects are all stagnating. I'm hoping I can jump start them soon. EDIT: Thanks for the motivation. I went looking for work and found an old script I made to save company time. With some recent changes I've gotten it working and with a few more I think I can implement it on a scale that will save hundreds of hours. Good stuff.
On PC. At first I hated it, the public servers were weird and the private servers were weirder. It was just too hard to find people who played in a way that meshed with how I wanted to play. Now I'm playing with some guys from work and we all seem to be on the same page. I kind of get to go off and do my own thing and can join up with the tribe on big stuff, and I don't have to worry about griefers and trolls.