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comment by Meriadoc
Meriadoc  ·  3375 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Lying to Myself // To the Small Town of Hubski

My diminished presence during influxes mean I always miss these magnificent meltdowns. Thank the lord for having been linked on this one.

Listen, my only knowledge of you is through seeing those comments. kb might be an ass occasionally, but I've yet to see him be an ass to someone first. Moreover, he's very rarely wrong. And this case was no different. You were wrong. More often than not here, you will be called for being wrong, and very often--as this post shows--when someone is wrong, they go on very long-winded rants about minor things. Perhaps you need to take a step back and realize that if you're in that position, you may want to reconsider where you stand.

I'll probably make a few more comments like this one. I always end up getting sucked and and tell off some asshole who's overstayed their welcome after the influxes, but I don't know you that well yet. And you see to be introspective in these comments here at least, so there may be a chance you're a good guy at least. Just... understand that you don't need a diatribe meta-post when you realized you called out an expert.