I literally read this all in his voice. So much so that the inside of my skull is flecked with spittle and foam.
Climate change is real + powerful groups try to use it to their advantage can both be true at the same time. Alex Jones has a strange mix of fact and fiction going on. That is, he definitely has a point sometimes. But then he connects his points and suddenly it's about the illuminati lizzard queen again. Of course, for all I know, it really is the illuminati lizzards behind it all. Kind of hard to prove a negative and the world really is a strange place. I am however quite certain that Alex Jones's main interest is: Alex Jones and his bank account. Erm... but what the hell was going on in Bohemian Grove? And why am I never invited to Bilderberg meetings? Was 9/11 an inside job? I DEMAND ANSWERS!