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An annual Easter egg hunt attended by hundreds of children has been canceled because of misbehavior last year. Not by the kids, but by the grown-ups.
Too many parents determined to see their children get an egg jumped a rope marking the boundaries of the children-only hunt at Bancroft Park last year. The hunt was over in seconds, to the consternation of eggless tots and the rules-abiding parents.
lessismore · 4701 days ago · link ·
Sometimes parents are so selfish. They are doing it more for themselves than their kids. Take this for example. Seriously!!
thenewgreen · 4700 days ago · link ·
I'm at the beginning of the whole parenting thing. I don't see myself being a helicopter dad. More of a "did you enjoy yourself" dad. I want to make sure my kids have fun in life. Let's face it, it gets harder to do so the older we get. Why impose adult like pressure on childlike situations? Craziness.
thenewgreen · 4700 days ago · link ·
- On another note, this is the 7,000th post on Off the Bench! I’d like to pause now and switch keyboards, so that I may place the old keyboard on my trophy shelf to commemora… hey! Who threw that puck?!
nice. Seriously though, if the coach reprimanded the kid, good for him. The best players of all time are the humble ones. Yzerman, yzerman and Stevie Y. Take a page out of that book kid.