Well as of right now I've been playing Give It Up! on the Google play store. It's an interesting game that really starts frustrating you when it takes over 100 times to clear a level. As for PC I am quite sad to say I haven't played any games in quite awhile due to my job and having just recently "invested" in a Harley. I usually play Diablo 3, except for the current season. As for the next season I am looking forward to it quite a bit with a few of the changes that are being made which could change builds and play styles drastically. Another I may have to throw out in the air is World of Tanks. It is a little slow starting out and required a fair amount of time put into it. It became rewarding to me when I finally got the tank I had been saving for which was the French AMC ELC, a tier 5 tank. That tank is a beast and also the weakest. It's a very fun challenge for me.