I reject your structure. I reject your meaning. I reject your integration. My wife was bored one weekend she was home from college. She took a class in MS Access at Comp USA. It meant nothing until three years later, when that one weekend class caused a division that wasn't hiring at a place she interviewed at (for a completely different job) to call her in. She ended up as a software architect for a great lady that ended up leaving after being sexually harassed. Three years later, though, my wife performed the wedding ceremony for her ex-boss and her new husband, whom we ended up going to Vegas with. Then we didn't see them for a while because they moved to Arizona. Then they moved to Los Angeles and we saw them every six weeks or so. Two weeks ago they moved back to Washington - they're going to beat us there. Our relationship with that couple is driven almost entirely by coincidence but it started with a free weekend seminar at CompUSA twenty years ago. How will it end? Who knows. I'll say this - when we were worried about trademark infringement with a large grocery chain, the husband called up the legal counsel of the large grocery chain because they're golf buddies. I would literally go insane if I had to parse our relationship for meaning.