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comment by kleinbl00

Morality has no place in engineering. Morality has a place in the application of engineering. There is nothing inherently evil about chemical weapons - if a stockpile of sarin gas is what it takes to keep a maniacal despot from committing genocide against minorities, then the stockpile of sarin gas is being used in a moral way. Using that sarin gas, on the other hand, is almost always going to be an immoral act.

Caselaw is never about morality. It's always about culpability. And that is why "fuck everything about this entire line of questioning" - it replaces culpability with morality and goes "holy fuck! there's no moral framework here!"

Fuckin' A there's no moral framework here. There' s no morality to bulldozers, there's no morality to slip'n'slides, there's no morality to taxi services, there's no morality to take-out food. There's culpability and when you insist that we now need to come up with a whole new way to understand a tool just because you can't wrap your head around it, I'm not only entitled to call you on it, I'm entitled to do so in a snarky tone of voice.