For example, if an extraterrestrial spacecraft enters the territory of the Republic of Ireland, the aliens on board shall be treated with the applicable laws of Ireland, including with regard to safeguarding the asylum rights that Irish law has granted for human beings from other nations. By the same analogy, if aliens land in Russia, the laws of the Russian Federation during their stay within the territory of that country in subject matters such as seeking asylum, making contracts, or any other societal or personal legal issue will be applicable.
The best approach would be to assign the aliens the same legal rights that foreign diplomats enjoy while they are on mission in foreign countries. That is, if extraterrestrials come to Earth in small or large numbers and reside temporarily or permanently, their laws and traditions among themselves should remain out of human legal intervention and judgment. An exception would exclude exercise of certain conducts or behavior that is deemed acceptable among aliens but is gravely unacceptable, harmful, or in contradiction with principle of peaceful coexistence with humans. In order to avoid any cultural misconception among alien newcomers and human host societies, awareness about the concerns and likes of both communities ought to be actively pursued. It might be very fruitful that all legal measures are communicated in advance to avoid misunderstandings that would lead to disastrous outcomes on both sides.