There was a tenant one floor above us that moved into our building to expand and were there for not even 6 months before they were acquired by Yahoo. I remember reading the announcement and then they were gone almost overnight. Left everything behind. I know the building owners and they usually sell the furnishings left behind if the old tenant leaves them, and there were a ton of brand new Aerons. All I had to do was ask and he would have let me just nab one, but I didn't manage to run into him while somehow his management team found a new tenant quicker than I've ever seen them do so in our building...and they bought all the furnishings. Sooo close....
1) They last forever. 2) Spare parts are readily available. 3) They're easy to work on. 4) They're 100% recyclable. 5) They're 100% made in the USA. You can literally buy a beat-to-shit aeron on Craigslist, spend $120 on spare parts, and have a good-as-new aeron. I own two - one of which was bought new (scratch'n'dent) from Sit4less and the other which was I shit you not plucked out of the alley behind a restaurant (with the RAND Corporation inventory control sticker still on it). A pipe wrench and $50 in parts later and they're nearly indistinguishable.