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mitvit · 3576 days ago · link · · parent · post: I'm back and this time around I want to stick around!
If I had a mac, and $99, and this had a chance of not getting rejected.... Legend tells of an upcoming API, which means at least the rejection might go away.
thenewgreen · 3576 days ago · link ·
Hey, what's your experience with building iOS apps? Is the know-how there, but you're just missing the Mac?
Not an expert by any means...but I would say I have about as much iOS knowledge now as I did Android knowledge when building the original. I have several good friends who do iOS dev and I can usually keep up with what they're talking about. I borrowed someone's macbook for a weekend a little while back and translated an android app I had been working on into iOS. I know that's a lot of disparate sources but I could hold my own on something on par with the current hubski app.