You and I have talked about this girl. I basically completely agree with everything insom has said. 1) Things never need to be declared out loud. Being declared out loud forces people to confront situations that they already know about and don't want to confront. This is why, despite the fact that yes, I had an obscene crush on a bartender for 6 months, I never sat him down and was like "I like you." He knew. I knew. We all fucking knew. To the extent that multiple, random, mutual friends of ours have been subtly comforting me about the fact that the interaction didn't turn out. TRUST ME. EVERYONE KNOWS. I have been told "keep my head up," I'm "marriage material," etc., etc., recently. Which is really just super amusing and also very kind of these mutual friends. People have invited me to hang out at other places besides the bar if I don't want to hang out at the bar. Everyone knows your shit. Especially this girl. She knows your shit. 2) "I don't want to be in a relationship" means "I don't want to be in a relationship with you." This is why people tell this line to other people, regardless of gender, and then piss the original people off by ending up in a relationship with a different person 3 weeks later. (Happens most in high school.) If you don't inspire this girl to want to be in a relationship, she doesn't. 3) Just go back and reread insom's post, like got damn. 4) I'm sorry, this is brutal, but this girl isn't interested in you. She hasn't been, and she's not going to be. Face it, galen! Find someone worth your time, aka someone who sees you for the awesome brilliant person that you are and loves every nanosecond of it.