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comment by darkdantedevil
darkdantedevil  ·  3340 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Al Gore should run for President

I definitely agree. If politicians were solely elected based on the utility of their ideas, sure, he has lots of them.

Unfortunately, you need an candidate who is personable ("I could have a beer with him!") , and who has a sense of humor, fundamentally, someone entertaining. To get elected, I mean. And you can't effect much change until you ARE elected.

Gore is generally seen as very dull. He certainly doesn't excite me when he speaks. Somehow, his presentation of his ideas drains them of their appeal.

I don't think he's the best bet for ANY party, because of this.

galen  ·  3340 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    The problem with a Gore candidacy, to be blunt, is Gore.