To be fair, as far as mantras go, "developers, developers, developers, developers" is pretty good
Hey, I can still run .exes from 2 decades ago. Mind you many of them break on the individual APIs, but they also distribute legacy / fixed library versions and they never went full-Apple and dropped support for an entire architecture. Just as long as you don't use web (open, bad!) technologies... or trident... or silverlight...
So basically you dislike anything but linux :P. Nah, I'm just giving it a hard time. Windows is alright. It's old as fuck and has legacy support for pretty much any software under the sun. Apple decided to take the other route, scrap all support for a fresh-reboot with a more modern architecture. You'd be surprised at how little you (or at least me) miss when you actually switch over. I think the biggest thing is certain enterprise software and games. That's pretty much it. it's just that whole closed source