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comment by mk
mk  ·  3348 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 4, 2015

I've done it a couple of times. Once it was from Michigan to Seattle to San Diego and back. IMO it's worth doing at least once. It gave me a new perspective on the US.

    mk is there a way to make draft text not be orange/can I have an option?

If anything, I'd like to reduce the number of toggles we have. If there seems a consensus on something like the shoutout blue, I'd be game. But I'm not too keen on expanding the color palate. One benefit of the orange might be to induce people to complete the drafts they have. :)

ButterflyEffect  ·  3348 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It certainly jumps out at you and makes it hard to forget that you started a draft, I'll give you that.

Did you go with people when you did that? There's a lot of logistical nightmares involved with this like: buying the car and being okay with throwing 3k miles on it right off the bat, moving items with me, all that. Plus hotels and gas and food which I'm assuming cost a ton of money to travel all that way.

It seems fun but like a lot of time, effort, and money to make it happen.

mk  ·  3348 days ago  ·  link  ·  

On the longest trip, there were three of us. We used a friend's car, and split the gas three ways. We would stay at a in a campground in a tent every other night, and sleep in the car at rest stops on the others. It was very cheap. Most days I ate canned peas and cold spagettios.

If you are moving one way. I'd just bring a tent, and sleep in your car half the time. Campgrounds are nice because they have showers. You might be able to get a beater car, and sell it at your destination.