I just find your observations intriguing. You have the perfect specimen too.
This made me reflect on my own habits. I use my phone and tablet almost compulsively somedays. I try not to abuse it when I'm with somebody though. It really is like a drug. Like cigarettes kinda.
It's only been what? Ten years? Less for me. I have no idea what I'd do without mine. I'd certainly be completely lost on the way to Mobile tomorrow.
I share the compulsivity with you. Whenever I'm trying to procrastinate a big assignment, I have the tendency to open up my phone and start scrolling through a given social media feed, or launch some game. The problem is that I'm not thinking while I do these things, and I think it's my way of avoiding an obligation that requires me to think, which is a really shitty tendency when you get down to it...
I've had mine for maybe only two or three years, but I still feel attached to it. It's a problem, but you can't just throw it out--it's an expensive piece of technology, and even if it's a roadblock sometimes, it still has incredible potential for being useful.
I've never let it get in the way of social interactions, though, and it does piss me off when I'm talking to someone and they start checking some feed.
I can totally agree to where this is coming from as I have been there myself. I had the habit of checking feeds from top to bottom, wanting to know what everyone was up to but then one day I just decided that it would not work out that way.
You spend an hour on social networking websites everyday:
365 * 60 mins = 21900 mins
That's 15 days of a year and I have not even included the weekend social media binges now.
Enough reason to reflect I guess...