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comment by coffeesp00ns

I just stumbled on this conversation.

The whole situation you're talking about reminds me of that "Boo hoo, America's bad" story about how the first bomb dropped on Berlin killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

First of all boo fucking hoo.

Second of all, apparently The Elephant was one of the few animals to SURVIVE the bomb.

    "A bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II killed every animal in the Berlin Zoo except the elephant, which escaped and roamed the city. When a Russian commander saw hungry Germans chasing the elephant and trying to kill it, he ordered his troops to protect it and shoot anyone who tried to kill it."

(as a Side note, I find it strange that that website advertises "Fun facts" about WW2. I mean, i understand the meaning but it just seems inappropriate.)

SECOND of all, the area was targeted because of the Zoo Flak Tower.

    It was one of several flak towers that protected Berlin from Allied bomber raids. Its primary role was as a gun platform to protect the government building district of Berlin(...)

The ZFT was less than half of a kilometre away from the Zoo. From 30,000 ft? that's not so fucking bad aim, IMO. Of course, It took the British 3 tries and at least 60 tons of dynamite after the war to demo the damn thing so who knows, maybe the bomb hit the tower and nobody noticed.

All parties do evil things in war, but some people are significantly more evil than others. The relativity of evil is much like the Relativity of Wrong.

edit: also, another side note, isn't there significant evidence that many other countries in Europe were thinking about the same sort of idea re: the holocaust? I have no idea where I head that, but It has a lot to do with the ideas you bring up later in this thread. Racism and anti-semitism (which is really just a very specific, very prevalent form of racism and cultural oppression) are alive and well today.