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veen · 3648 days ago · link · · parent · post: Grubski Challenge #12: IT'S BLACK HISTORY MONTH, YA'LL. Bonus challenge inside. - Deadline Extended by 1 Week!
Mashed Potatoes & Hot Wings One taketh around one pound of free-range chicken wings. Marinate them with chili, paprika, curry powder, some salt & pepper and sunflower oil. Optionally, use vinegar. Let it rest for a while before putting them in a pan with a bit more oil to prevent it from sticking. Put it on a medium to low fire and put a cover over it. Flip the wings over every five minutes until it's done (after 20 minutes or so): Meanwhile, make some mashed potatoes and vegetables in different pans. I found some mixed green vegetables. When it's all done, arrange it nicely on a plate to get this result: