I think the idea of having ridiculous sounding cars would be hilarious. What if you wanted your car to sound like this? I tried to find a soundbite of Fran Drescher's laugh, but it doesn't appear to exist. I suppose that's a good thing.
I want my car to sound like a big ass dragon. That would be sweeeet. :)
I just spent way too much time searching for a sound bite of an effeminate Dragon roar. Oddly enough, it doesn't exist but it would have made for one hell of a funny car sound.
Hahahaha. That would be pretty epic. A little less badass(or more depending on your opinion I suppose haha) than I was going for but equally histerical. On a side note, I am very impressed/optimistic about the fact that no one(that has posted anyway) has taken a dragon roar and made it flamboyant haha. Its kind of like an effeminate lumberjack.