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comment by rezzeJ
rezzeJ  ·  3695 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you think of video games?

I very much enjoy video games. I haven't played too many major titles as of late due to other priorities though. There's a lot of Indie games I need to catch up on too. I used to be a console game until December 2013 when I built my first gaming PC.

The only game I still play every day is is Pacifism mode on Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 on the Xbox 360. I will go as far as to say that this mode in particular, is in my top 3 games of all time, if not number 1. The premise is simple. You can not shoot. The only way you kill enemies is by passing through explosive gates. They are a doubled edged sword though, as if you hit the explosive ends of said gates, you will die. You have one life. The enemies continually spawn, in larger and larger quantities, hunting you down until you are dead. Such a unique, thrilling, and addictive piece of game design rarely comes about. The way it balances luck, skill, and genius little touches is a marvel to behold.

Just to elaborate on some of the touches so you get an idea:

You see the gates? Even though you're are playing on an apparent 2D plane, the gates actually move in 3D space. Each end tilts up and down slightly making the gates momentarily bigger or smaller from a 2D perspective. You can see it in the bigger by looking at the explosive rings. Some appear flat and 2D, whilst others have the 3D shape. Couple this with the gates already having really weird physics/movement, and it becomes a completely different experience. Those blue enemies also pulsate in and out and the hit box moves with it. This means that with timing and/or luck, you can sometimes pass through impossibly small gaps. Furthermore, those little green objects are multipliers and are released every time you kill the enemy. They are essential to the highest scores. Do you risk going for them? Damn I love Geometry Wars.

My top score is currently 799,000,00 and that's by no means near the world record. I just want to break a billion. Other than that I've played a lot of The Withcer, Fallout: NV and some Far Cry 4 lately, but those are on hold whilst I smash out my deadlines.

no-cheating  ·  3695 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I did play the first part of Geometry Wars. It was nice.