I'm 8bit aka Samurai Frog aka S-Dog aka Marth-main aka walking Fangamer advertisement. I like the Digimon Movie soundtrack, Lupe Fiasco, Giraffage, R&B and peanut butter. I work for my school's Registrar Office and it's awesome. I get to edit cool videos and help people with tech problems and have an influence/my opinion/voice heard on how new students should experience orientation when coming to the school, even though I hate said school. The office is diverse, I get treated with respect, and I'm not doing retail or fast-food, so I know how lucky I am to get the job I have for the pay I have at the age I am. Am I an artist? I dunno, am I breathing? I think it's a weird term. I don't think I've encountered anyone who's never "made something" in their entire life. If that's the criteria we're going for, than sure, I am. But so is everyone else. I guess if you're asking me if what I do for fun is something I'd want to do full-time, probably not. I've had this discussion with Klein via PM I think. I like stability so that's what I'm going for. It's probably why I'm not that invested in school at the moment, even though I'm doing just fine in it. I guess my urge to produce outweighs my urge to consume, which could make an artist. I DUNNO. IT'S TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING FOR THESE QUESTIONS, GREEN. ALSO WHY ARE WE YELLING? Edit: I'd like to double-down on that Marth-Main statement, I probably identify as that more than anything else nowadays. Anybody who wants to date my sister is going to have to 4-stock my Marth, final destination, no items.
Well I certainly won't be dating your sister. This much has been shown.