It's to do with how genre is much more than simply a taxonomic system of catergorisation. It is fact an aspect of social function. Acting as a codified framework of 'etiquette' between creator and audience, it becomes a plethora of subconscious expectations, rhetorical methods, and creative constraints to form a concept capable of great impact on the creation of artistic works. I don't want to say too much more as I haven't finished or handed in the work yet, but that's it in a nutshell. Haha, yes, this is most likely the source of the issue here. It was actually the animator who initially employed the skills of the artist, so I presumed he had briefed her on all the necessary ground rules and whatnot. But apparently things weren't so clear as I'd hoped. Oh well, it just gives some more stuff to write about in the assessment blog we have to do.groundrules of collaboration are often implied and not made concrete.