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comment by rezzeJ
rezzeJ  ·  3575 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, how do you feel about drugs?

I've done three drugs recreationally: Cannabis, Salvia, and MDMA.

I enjoy Cannabis. During the second year of my undergrad I pretty much became a full-on stoner. It ended in tears but I don't hide the fact that they were amazing times. I still smoke now, but not nearly as much and never when I have other responsibilities.

Salvia was fun. I had a crazy trip which I can't be bothered to type up on my tablet. I don't think I would take any more psychedelic drugs now. I've had such powerful expriences through meditation that I'm fearful of what such drugs might do to my mind.

MDMA was a great time. The energy was unreal and not much could top the vibe. For some reason, I decided going to my 9am lecture the next day was something I had to do. I felt savage. I haven't done it since.

In general, I think drugs can be an essential life experience. They can also be devastating. It's a balance that one has to be concious of. I personally researched all the drugs I took before I ingested them.