One of the best shields for conspiracy is the notion that entertaining conspiracy makes you a nut. It is important to debate the depth to which conspiracy pervades our society, however, there are sufficient cases of historic fact that where wars, elections, and assassinations have been the result of those that have earned legitimate power, exercising it through nefarious means.
It would be a fairly simple matter for a wealthy governmental or non-governmental agency to funnel cash to the accuser of DSK. However, the veracity of the law enforcement before his resignation, and the timing of these revelations suggests to me an influence upon the legal system.
Do I think that DSK was set up by a US agency? I don't know. However, I wouldn't put too much of my own money against that possibility.
Now it looks like something very suspicious is going on. Especially since the incident is so old, but apparently was mentioned back in 2007. Hard to know what's going on here.
If we follow that "where there's smoke there's fire" advice, then he is a sleazebag predator that is being rolled over by some powerful people. Who really knows.
True. If this was conspiracy, I wouldn't guess that she was in on it any more than being paid to set him up. But, if it was conspiracy, I'd think that the motive was simply to get him out of the IMF, not necessarily result in a successful prosecution, or see to her getting out of this ok. Whatever the case, my guess is that this woman is a victim.
Another thing she lied about: after the alleged sexual assault, she cleaned another room before alerting a supervisor. I can't help but feel that that's odd.
It does look like someone's trying to set him up, but as far as I can see it could be anyone.