It was McCarthy. That's a belief that you have? No. It's called statistics. Just how dangerous is he? Wells shrugged. Compared to what? The bubonic plague? He's bad enough that you called me. He's a psychopathic killer but so what? There's plenty of them around. This was even better: He turned the lights on. How much money? A lot of money. What will you take to drive me to San Antonio. The driver thought about it. You mean on top of the five hundred. Yes. How about a grand all in. Everything. Yes. You got it. The driver nodded. Then how about the other half of these five caesars I already got. Moss took the bills from his pocket and handed them across the back of the seat. What if the Migra stop us. They wont stop us, Moss said. How do you know? There's too much shit still down the road that I got to deal with. It aint goin to end here. I hope you're right. Trust me, Moss said. I hate hearin them words, the driver said. I always did. Have you ever said them? Yeah. I've said em. That's how come I know what they're worth.Somewhere in the world is the most invincible man. Just as somewhere is the most vulnerable.
Turn the lights on, Moss said.