For us, it's not piano but it's violin. In fact, I caught quite the shit-storm from the ole missus tonight because I've been putting off getting my daughter signed up for violin lessons. Why violin? Because I can play the piano, I can play the guitar and the drums, but I cannot play the violin. However, I'm familiar enough with stringed instruments to be able to help in her tutelage. When my son is older, I hope he takes up a brass instrument. I cannot play any brass/wind instruments and would love for one of us to be able to. yeah, that's right, I said "one of us." I envision a TNG family band happening one day. One that needs strings, brass etc. It will RAWK!Many more of my old friends are doing that. Clearly, the next generation will not suffer from a lack of piano players.
-Damn, as a 37 year old father of two, that associates with a bunch of other 37 year old fathers/mothers, this rings REAL true.
Yeah, but it would all be worth it if we could just pen a song half as influential and artistic as Teamocil