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comment by blackbootz

I should of clarified, I meant your opinion on the idea of Marxism, not so much the history of a bunch of thugs vying among each other and the United States. I have a little bit of familiarity with the history of the Soviet Union, particularly it in its later stages. I've read A New History and also my father is a Muscovite who hustled jeans and dodged military conscription (by faking insanity) as the Soviet Union fell.

kleinbl00  ·  3599 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't think i can say anything intelligent about theoretical Marxism. I haven't read Das Kapital and the criticism I've read of it was one-sided. Piketty probably got the furthest in even-handedness; he said the book prompted a useful discussion but was utterly beteft of data or analysis.