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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3499 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Look At This: What Do Homeless Vets Look Like?

    They're gonna be interesting people you may have never normally associated with. They're going to teach you about life as they see it in lenses molded by very diverse backgrounds, far different than those you'll find in an NYC private school.

I think Pablo going into the military is the dumbest Into the Wild bullshit I've heard from him. But that's neither here nor there with your quote, I just want him to know.

That being said, your quote: I don't think he needs to join the military to get that experience. I think you can get diverse backgounds in lots of places that don't require basic training. Its not like those backgrounds matter when you enter the military anyway - they homogenize you when you get there, your past doesn't matter at all. Act like a single unit, etc. Etc.

There are people who are cut out for the military. There are people who are not. I do not think you're cut out for the military, Pablo. Take that as an insult, or don't, its still what I think. I think your skills and personalities could be used elsewhere and better. I think your ideals don't match the actual occurances within the military.

Its your choice, of course. I don't think its the right one if you do it.

TFW phone typos everywhere.

iammyownrushmore  ·  3499 days ago  ·  link  ·  

e: This came off a little more patronizing than I intended, so apologies

    I think Pablo going into the military is the dumbest Into the Wild bullshit I've heard from him.

Right on. I got really upset when I read his response yesterday and I like Pablo, so I didn't want to come off as forwardly aggressive about my particular opinion, seeing as, if given to me at some vital junction in my life, my response would have been: "screw you". And it's just not productive.

I don't want to make projections about personality types of those in the military, those who would join, their motivations, sincerity and intelligence behind those decisions, as they are not necessary when white hits me with something as heartbreaking as:

    I may have nightmares about my friend trapped and burning alive in an MRAP hit by an EFP.

and nowaypablo, you tell me what pretty much comes across as "I want to invite prospective trauma onto my own person that others have finally been able to vocal about their struggle after decades of stupid wars that have chewed up the young people of this country in some sordid version of nonsense 'adventure seeking'- 19th century mindset that has been thoroughly shitted all over for the past 50 years as a stupid, stupid justification for the tacit participation in the prolonged and unnecessary trauma of subjugated peoples just so I can wear an american flag toga and pose for the statue my children will carve of me with teary eyes while I dictate my letters for my autobiography"

That gets my goat.

Things you can do instead:

-Become a war journalist

-Do an ultramarathon across the Sahara

-Start a business

-Join a band and go on tour

-Move to another country without any friends or resources and struggle til you make it

-do extended camping in remote areas while hunting/gathering your own food

-ride your bike across America

Last word on this whole thing, I promise. I still like you, pabs, and that's part of the reason I don't think you should join.

edit: On this:

    those who have gone through it all do not regret it.

Remember, when white said that, he didn't exactly say whether or not that was the opinion of his friends who had commited suicide.

nowaypablo  ·  3498 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I said what I said with all the disclaimers pointing to the fact that I know what I'm saying isn't smart.

It's part of the reason I said it, because I am absolutely, completely, wholeheartedly enwrapped and enraptured by this desire. I know I can do all those other things. But I want to challenge myself and risk (not invite) "prospective trauma." I only want to serve my 5 years active duty, post-West Point, and walk off with my ~$300k+ in commission savings, absolute fucking zero in college loans, and up to fucking $160k of my fucking graduate education fucking paid for in thieving collegiate America, for fucks sake.

    Remember, when white said that, he didn't exactly say whether or not that was the opinion of his friends who had commited suicide.

Good–but keep in mind not necessarily accurate, and arguably very narrow-minded– point.

I think I have the set of skills– furthermore I inherently and vigorously desire the skills I don't have–that make up a graduate of West Point or any officer or service-member otherwise. Further-further more, I inherently and vigorously desire a very specific personality and set of traits that I have only seen so completely and so clearly in people, like white, for whom I've expressed my respect before, who have partook in some way or another in a war.. or experienced it as a civilian. I've met many of both categories, and many across the whole spectrum of damages taken from their experiences–including, if you really need to go there–suicide.

I haven't seen these enough of these skills and/or traits that I respect and desire in any bike rider, band member, or businessman to earn such strong respect and staunch admiration. I've at least met 30 "successful" rock musicians, countless successful classical musicians, and talk on the daily with businessmen who have succeeded in New York City and around the world in ways that would blow your fucking mind.

Thank you for calling me out, I honestly seriously appreciate it, like really. I mean it. I'm considering what you're saying seriously, butbutbutbutbut I still need to make my point because there's something more I feel than just "believing" in it. I have not made a decision yet.