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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3762 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: October 8, 2014

Todd-AO was a giant of the post-production industry. They had their own aspect ratio, for fuck's sake. Kid I grew up with had an uncle who worked there on shit like Star Wars. He was a hero.

Soundelux was another giant of the post-production industry. They were huge.

In 2008, Todd AO and Soundelux were merged into Todd-Soundelux. That's when the guys I know got bumped over from the UK to the United States.

6 months ago they went bankrupt. 3 months ago they shut their doors and locked everybody out.

Yesterday they started selling off all their shit.

It's funny. I'm preapproved for $20k worth of purchases. If I won everything I bid on I'd be out roughly $60k, but I'd be sitting on top of $300k of eBayable assets. But because it's Todd-Soundelux, chuckleheads are bidding shit above Fleabay prices. So watching the auction, which I've been doing out of the corner of my eye, has been more spectacle than anything else.

Although I did miss a rippin' deal on a DSP4000 by like $27.

Fortunately, they have eight more.

TL;DR today I'm probably not buying an even dozen TC System 6000s