For the record, the mountai server that we ended up on won't kick anyone off and has no cap of any kind. It's a server run by a friend. However it does occasionally crash for long periods of time until we can contact the host.
Whoever proposes the next IRC, get the best link from flagamuffin.
AnSionnachRua, maybe you and Cumol can agree on a time -- I guess it's too much to ask for the two of you to be up at 4:00 a.m. Sunday night a10 or 11 in Europe would be Sunday afternoon or morning here, although it's unlikely to be an alcohol-laced time slot. I imagine a few people could put in an hour. We would probably prefer it to be 6:00 a.m. your time and midnight here though, or maybe midnight your time and 6:00 p.m. EST and earlier for those further west.
It's all kind of awkward
06:00 my time works for me, as long as it's a weekend morning and I can get drunk. ;)
I'm away for the next month and a half, though, so I expect I'll miss the next one.