Just priced rsync.net for my server. $1280/month. Thanks for the false hope, dammit.
Did you price backing up the whole thing? You don't want to do that. At the very least you've mentioned keeping time machine backups there, and since snapshotting is built into the price there is no point in keeping anything but the most recent time machine image.
Synology will interface natively with Glacier, but everybody hates it (it doesn't do a good job). You can trick it into running Crashplan, but I haven't had much success (and backing up 6TB via cable modem is a drag). I'll probably buy another box, seed it locally and then try and use RSync over VPN to get it to update the distant from the local but I'm not there yet. After all, if the box does take a shit I'm going to want to be able to restore now, not at 10MBPS.