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comment by Neon_Ubermensch
Neon_Ubermensch  ·  4688 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Update: Rocking the UI boat.
Thanks, really liking the site. How interested are you in expanding the user base? I know there is a specific subreddit on reddit.com with like-minded individuals who would probably really enjoy the site. While the influx would create community and content, there is always the risk of some idiots finding the site too. What are your feelings on that?

mk  ·  4688 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Thanks N_U. Yes, we are interested in more people using Hubski. You never know what someone might have to offer. Feel free to share with people that you might think would be a good fit. -I appreciate you asking, btw.

The real trick is to build something that is robust enough to deal with people that could disrupt the culture, -and that's our goal. We do have a plan, and I think it's a good one. Hubski is going to evolve a bit as the community grows.

Of course, the early community goes a long way to setting the tone and expectations for new users, so it is appreciated if you communicate the goals of Hubski when you share it.