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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  3711 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I got myself a little recording setup. Now what the balls do I do with it?

Thanks for the shout-out. jonaswildman is a damn good home recorder too and is probably the most prolific "part creator" I know. The guy has like 700 parts/ideas he's come up with over the years. Thing is, they're mostly pretty kick ass too. I'd shout out to T-Dog who also has some major recording chops. His solo stuff is amazing and I hope he'll be sharing it for all to hear soon. Really, really great songwriting that you will dig fuffle.

I left my advice in an earlier comment but may have missed this post without the shout-out, so thanks again.


    Another trick that's worked for me in the past has been to take a song that I've already set up in my head, pick up an instrument I'm unfamiliar with, and record the song with that instrument as the basis.
-Brilliant idea. I have to try this now.