Neither do I, but seriously, try to give Walk With Me In Hell by Lamb of God a shot. Maybe even Recreant by Chelsea Grin... Chelsea Grin is... Technical deathmetal, so that might be what you're looking for.
I'm assuming that since it's been 2 weeks, you either got sucked into TDM like I did (which turned into a year long binge) or you didn't like what I suggested and ran away screaming bloody murder. So what's the verdict here? Want some more suggestions? With links this time to actual songs?
Sorry for the delay I've been slow to go on Hubski, Lamb of God is sick, and Chelsea Grin... well it's just crazy, so I'm glad I have somewhere to go if I'm ever in a mood like that :D I'll take a few links! I'm not dedicating myself to metal but I was more than happy to take a walk down that road and see the sights.