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comment by rezzeJ
rezzeJ  ·  3711 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I got myself a little recording setup. Now what the balls do I do with it?

Motivation and inspiration can be hard thing to come by naturally. There's one way to build it up naturally tough, and that's to work hard. Even if you're not feeling it, get something down. Because creativity and energy feed of themselves. The more time and effort you put in it, the more you'll find yourself propelled. So just do it. :)

In regards to a click track, there's definitely a knack for using them. Personally, I try not to use it as ruler, but more a reference. Once I'm in the beat of the click I can just check back into it every bar or so to make sure I'm still hitting that first beat. If you try glue quantise your live playing religiously to a click, you'll encounter the problems you do. So let it be a guide. If it's just you and guitar you can often get away without using one anyway. It's mostly important for if you want to noticeable rhythmic elements.

I personally bring inspiration from finding new and interesting music. I love trying to fuse what I find to be the best ideas into my own unique vision. In terms of transferring motivation and energy, don't think about it. If you have it, it will show on its own. If you don't, that will likely show too.