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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  3799 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Trolls Are Winning

I think it's a false assumption to think that trolls' lives are devoid or that they don't appear like normal folks to the rest of us. There are some people I know where the major difference between them and a troll is that I agree with them- their arguments are just as forceful, they won't be deterred from their points, and insults fall off their backs. I've also heard or read anecdotes about people who discover, with horror, that their significant others are also significant trolls. I think one can be a very successful troll online without necessarily having it impact their meatspace life in a way that most people notice.

I also think that social media is different because it allows instant and mass ganging-up-on. In real life if I'm an idiot I can't snap my fingers and whip up an overwhelming chorus of friends and strangers who agree with me and also echo my methods - and let's not delude ourselves here, the troll method of instructing people to commit suicide, or getting mass numbers to pass on death threats, threaten ones loved ones, or dox someone, has absolutely no meatspace face to face parallel especially en masse as we have all seen it occur online.

Life is full of idiots when one is face to face. Online, life can become a veritable deluge of strangers threatening and harassing a single person in such a way that that person may very reasonably fear for their life or the safety of toes they love.

Trolls OR idiots irl /= trolls online.

camarillobrillo  ·  3799 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You're absolutely right. I'm naive to put myself in their shoes and say "Let it go." To suddenly have an army of strangers attacking me mentally or, Gods forbid, physically would be overwhelmingly terrifying. But I also believe that the majority of these antagonizers are rotten no matter how they appear in "meatspace." (Love that term by the way!) I guess I'm just speaking for myself. There are some scary bastards out there I have no doubt.