Have you tried explaining to her that it was once owned by Cory Doctorow?Mine is terrified of Roombas.
Considering that she calls it a "hooah" I'm not sure how well that would go. I don't remember what word we were discussing this morning. She points at things and says "this." I said "That's a jacket." "Fuck it?" "No, jacket." "Faggot?" "No, jacket." Keeping a straight face was the hardest thing I've done today.
I have no idea if she's old enough to read yet (whatever that means) but when I was 2 or 3 or whatever, my parents labeled every object in the entire apartment -- down to specific parts, "chair leg" "bannister" "screw" "outlet" etc and just let me explore. Pronunciation came later.
One of the kids in my extended family mispronounced truck for a good 6-8 months. His parents did everything to try to break it. He would consistently run around yelling FUCK RRROOOOMMM (truck sounds) FUCKKKKKKK. Or mumbling in the corner "fuh fuck. fukk goes roooom. fuck. fuck" For a bit, they thought he was doing it because it got him attention / inspired laughter. They would let everyone around know about it and ask that we didn't laugh out loud or give it attention and to simply ignore it. Trying not to laugh only made us want to laugh more.
Had an ex-girlfriend. Her family was kind of annoying. She had a half-sister about 18 months old. Her grandma drove a volvo. Little girl pointed out the window at grandma's car and looked up to me. "Volvo," I said. "Vulva?" She said. "Close enough," I said. Kid called cars vulvas for the next six months. Ran around the house going "vulva vulva vulva!"