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comment by nowaypablo
nowaypablo  ·  3740 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Testing the Potential Objective Reality of the Subjective DMT Experience

He's daft, that's for sure. His stand-up comedy is even more unbearable. But, I loved his podcast for the guests, again naming Joey Diaz, and I suggested it cause he just talks about DMT a lot and you gotta admit he's goddamn enthusiastic.

I'm pretty sure I first really heard about it from him actually, at least that was the case with Ayahuasca, so for me it was still very intriguing. Again, that's why I stressed that actual knowledge be acquired before watching that or the Spirit Molecule :D You'll get what I"m saying when you watch the film.

I need to learn more about Strassman. McKenna, however, is my favorite psycho. I don't care about his crazy, the guy was a character that will go down in modern social history as a thinker for the ages. I think we can easily have a rich discussion on his stuff alone.