Regardless of what you thought of the prose and writing styles in "The Hot Zone", if you read any of it all, you're scared shitless. I know I am, even though I doubt it will be a global epidemic.
My science teacher read it to us in 7th grade. "Orifice" was added to my vocabulary, in the context of "bleeding out of every bodily orifice". The whole class was so morbidly fascinated that we begged for more. It's not cool when old nightmares resurface!
Everyone I know who's read that book was so freaked out, but for some reason I wasn't that scared at all. Just a big adrenaline rush throughout the read. And I never had bad dreams or nightmares or any kind of scary flashback to what I was imagining. I did feel adrenaline racing through me due to suspense, but that's kind of a different feeling.